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5 Ways to Identify Risk for Brain Injury

5 Ways to Identify Risk for Brain Injury


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The Brain Injury Association of Massachusetts recently released a statement regarding proper treatment of brain injuries and how to recognize potentially fatal symptoms. Vmi New England and Automotive Innovations would like to share this information with you and urge that those who are ever near a event like the one at the Boston Marathon on Patriots Day 2013 seek medical attention if they are experiencing any symptoms or conditions that are out of the ordinary.

Symptoms of brain injury include dizziness, vomiting, headaches, confusion, memory loss, and trouble sleeping, among others. The Brain Injury Association of Massachusetts (BIA-MA) offers a variety of resources including but not limited to: counselors, neurologists and neuropsychologists, rehabilitative facilities, and physical, occupational and speech therapists. Speak with someone in our Information and Resources Department by calling our toll-free help line at 1-800-242-0030, or visit www.biama.org.

“Brain injuries following a blast or explosion may not be evident immediately, but felt in the days, weeks and months following a blast,” says BIA-MA Executive Director Arlene Korab. “However severe, blast-related brain injuries may leave you with a long road to recovery. It is important to be familiar with the signs of brain injury and you may want to know where to turn next.

• Be watchful. Keep an eye on someone who was near the blasts when they occurred, even if the person seemed fine immediately following the incident.

• Know the symptoms. Dizziness, vomiting, headaches and confusion are some signs that a person could have a brain injury and needs to be taken to the emergency room.

• Look for changes. Any sudden changes in the severity or type of symptoms, or in the person’s behavior can be a sign that he or she needs medical attention.

• Know the risk factors. Be especially wary if the injured person has been drinking alcohol, is a young athlete, elderly or on blood thinners. When in doubt, take the person to the hospital.

• Above all, seek medical attention if you experience any of the symptoms listed above or just feel “off.”

BIA-MA offers information and resources on brain injury services to survivors, families, and professionals in the field. BIA-MA can connect you with the most appropriate medical and rehabilitative professionals and services. In addition, we have 33 support groups around the Commonwealth to offer ongoing support to victims, family members and caregivers. For more information, call our toll-free help line at 1-800-242-0030, or visit www.biama.org.