Tag Archives: responsibilities

Caregiver Fatigue Syndrome

Caregiver stress, aka Caregiver Fatigue Syndrome or Caregiver Burnout, is the byproduct of the countless responsibilities, physical demands, strained time and rollercoaster circumstances that come with the turf. And, since many caregivers consistently put others before themselves, if not addressed, this stress will only snowball.

It’s like the airplane oxygen illustration: Before you help others assemble their masks, you must first ensure you have your own. In this regard, before a caregiver can expect to offer their loved one in a wheelchair or loved one with a disability the best care, they must first take care of themselves.

Any imbalance, and the quality of care for your loved one can decrease while your personal stress and fatigue begin to climb.

Physical Symptoms
Many outsiders don’t realize what it takes to be a caregiver. Unless they’ve been in a similar situation, it’s hard to grasp the physical strain of all the lifts and pulls. Transport has been simplified with the help of mobility vehicles, but there are still the routine transitions from bed to bathroom to dinner and then back to bed. Caregiving is hard work.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, you may have caregiver burnout:
● Decrease in overall energy
● Decrease in immunity (subject to more frequent colds/flus)
● Inconsistent sleep patterns
● Chronic back and/or joint pain
● Weight gains

Emotional Drain
In addition to the uncertainty of medical circumstances and the rollercoaster ride that your loved one may be experiencing, it’s not uncommon for a caregiver to feel alone or assume that nobody understands their situation. Activities and hobbies that once brought you joy may be sidelined to your responsibilities and the constant championing of your loved one might not leave much room for your own pursuits.

You may experience:
● Irritability and frustration
● Difficulty relaxing
● Impatience
● Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness
● Dissatisfaction

Mental Exhaustion
Scheduling, logistics, medications and meals — caregivers are the gatekeepers, chauffeurs, advocates, cooks and everything in between for their loved one. There are too many moving parts to name. It’s no wonder things begin to get mentally draining.

Mental exhaustion may be exhibited through:
● Difficulty concentrating
● Feelings of confusion
● Periods of tunnel vision

No matter the symptoms, caregiver fatigue is a serious concern and you are not alone. Don’t buy into the idea that you’re the only caregiver facing these challenges.

If high-quality care for your loved one tops your list, remember that the best starts with the best you.

#22KILL: Battle Buddy

Become a Veterans’ Advocate and “Battle Buddy”
You do not have to be a trained professional to help someone in need. You don’t have to be a veteran to empathize with their situation. People in a crisis sometimes just need someone to talk to because they feel alone and unheard by those who are closest to them.  They may feel too ashamed to call out for help from their friends and family and can benefit from speaking to an anonymous individual.  By not feeling judged, they can feel more comfortable about opening up and and talking about their situation.


  • Have a genuine love and respect for veterans and all active military members. You do not have to be a veteran.
  • Have a cell phone, and be willing to take calls/texts at any time from a veteran wanting to talk

As a Battle Buddy, you will have a profile listed on www.22kill.com’s  public directory, and veterans in crisis will be able to find you and call you if they want to talk. Your commitment is to simply be someone who cares and to listen if a veteran ever calls. That’s it. Don’t judge; don’t push. Just having someone to talk to who genuinely cares and will listen can make a substantial difference. If you do feel there is a crisis, you can call 911 or have someone else call.

 If you are not comfortable with being a Battle Buddy there are other ways you can help as a Veterans’ Advocate. We encourage you to join Team #22KILL in connecting and growing the veteran support system. Become a volunteer for their events and community projects, and share their page with your network of friends, family, and every veteran you know.

Sign up and become a Battle Buddy today!
Please Visit www.22kill.com for more information

Caregiver Fatigue Syndrome

Caregiver Fatigue Syndrome

Caregivers walk a very delicate line. They are some of the strongest, most selfless individuals around — doing most anything and everything for their loved ones — but many are exhausted, stressed and overwhelmed trying to balance the rewarding process.

Caregiver stress, aka Caregiver Fatigue Syndrome or Caregiver Burnout, is the byproduct of the countless responsibilities, physical demands, strained time and rollercoaster circumstances that come with the turf. And, since many caregivers consistently put others before themselves, if not addressed, this stress will only snowball.

It’s like the airplane oxygen illustration: Before you help others assemble their masks, you must first ensure you have your own. In this regard, before a caregiver can expect to offer their loved one in a wheelchair or loved one with a disability the best care, they must first take care of themselves.

Any imbalance, and the quality of care for your loved one can decrease while your personal stress and fatigue begin to climb.

Physical Symptoms
Many outsiders don’t realize what it takes to be a caregiver. Unless they’ve been in a similar situation, it’s hard to grasp the physical strain of all the lifts and pulls. Transport has been simplified with the help of mobility vehicles, but there are still the routine transitions from bed to bathroom to dinner and then back to bed. Caregiving is hard work.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, you may have caregiver burnout:
● Decrease in overall energy
● Decrease in immunity (subject to more frequent colds/flus)
● Inconsistent sleep patterns
● Chronic back and/or joint pain
● Weight gains

Emotional Drain
In addition to the uncertainty of medical circumstances and the rollercoaster ride that your loved one may be experiencing, it’s not uncommon for a caregiver to feel alone or assume that nobody understands their situation. Activities and hobbies that once brought you joy may be sidelined to your responsibilities and the constant championing of your loved one might not leave much room for your own pursuits.

You may experience:
● Irritability and frustration
● Difficulty relaxing
● Impatience
● Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness
● Dissatisfaction

Mental Exhaustion
Scheduling, logistics, medications and meals — caregivers are the gatekeepers, chauffeurs, advocates, cooks and everything in between for their loved one. There are too many moving parts to name. It’s no wonder things begin to get mentally draining.

Mental exhaustion may be exhibited through:
● Difficulty concentrating
● Feelings of confusion
● Periods of tunnel vision

No matter the symptoms, caregiver fatigue is a serious concern and you are not alone. Don’t buy into the idea that you’re the only caregiver facing these challenges.

If high-quality care for your loved one tops your list, remember that the best starts with the best you.