Tag Archives: healthcare costs

February is National ‘Wise Health Consumer’ Month

February is National ‘Wise Health Consumer’ Month, sponsored by The American Institute of Preventive Medicine. As healthcare costs continue to rise, and our economy continues to fluctuate, American consumers continue to search for ways to make wise health decisions in order to get the most out of their money. Now, more than ever, it is extremely important to make sure you are making wise decisions when it comes to your healthcare.

Practicing prevention, taking good care of yourself, and managing costs can all get you on the right path toward saving money and becoming a wise health consumer. Being a wise health consumer means exploring your options and taking responsibility for your good health; it means staying involved and informed, and paying attention to the care that you receive.

The healthcare decisions that you make now can have a direct influence on your overall well-being, as well as the quality and cost of your care.

There are several things you can do to become a wise health consumer:

Get appropriate health screenings. Routine preventive care services to maintain your health and prevent disease are important to living a healthy life. Talk with your doctor about your health questions and concerns.

Select your healthcare providers with care. Take your time and carefully select your healthcare providers. Get referrals from your family or friends.

Practice healthy living in your own life. Healthy Living isn’t just an area of focus for our members, but should also be a focus in our own lives as well. Making healthy lifestyle choices can contribute to a long, healthy, and productive life.