Easy Ways to Adapt Sports for Kids with Disabilities

Step up to the plate, take the game-winning shot, leap across the finish line – the thrill of sports is nearly impossible to compare or match to that of another activity. For kids with a disAbility or other mobility limitations, sports can seem intimidating, as if they were a task too difficult to complete. With adaptive sports on the rise and more and more athletes with disAbilities making waves with their skill, kids of all ages and abilities should be encouraged to participate in these exciting activities. With a few modifications, even the most demanding sports can be completely accessible.

Wider and lower hoops make this fast paced game a simpler competition. Use buckets, hula-hoops or even boxes can provide a larger targeted area, making it easier for kids to make those winning shots. Lower the “hoops” to a manageable height to boost your child’s confidence in their game.

Tees aren’t just useful in golf; they are an excellent way to allow kids to take better aim when hitting a baseball. This sport, amongst others, can improve a child’s hand-eye coordination and focus, as well as instill a sense of teamwork in them.

Beach balls can quickly transform the sport of volleyball into a fully inclusive activity that’s sure to be a blast for everyone. The light beach balls are not only easier to hit, but they allow more time for players with disAbilities to react after the other team’s move. Balloons are another great alternative.

Whatever your sport of choice is, all it takes is a little ingenuity to adapt it to suit a child with a disAbility. Invite your kids’ friends over for backyard Olympics or stir up some friendly competition with your child – not only will sports allow kids to be more active, they’re a great way of improving social skills and abilities.