VMI Stories: Jeff Derwallis

Meet Jeff
Jeff was injured in 1991 while serving in the marines. It wasn’t easy to get around, but he wanted to stay active. He heard about wheelchair tennis and started playing and going to tournaments, where he saw VMI mobility vans and people easily going in and out of them. He was amazed by what he saw and how much easier life was for the owners of those vans. His first van truly made a lot of problems disappear in his life.

As he continued playing his tennis, he practiced with his wife and learned about a hot yoga studio through one of her friends. He started going to yoga to improve his tennis game and as he kept getting better, he also began feeling better about everything. Being able to get into the driver seat and just take off and go somewhere is just fantastic in Jeff’s mind. He is a proud owner of his third VMI conversion van and loves the freedom it gives him.